University of Toronto, Mississauga, Fall 2010

CCT395: Databases (Special Topics in CCIT)

Syllabus and Readings

The course syllabus is here. (Last updated on Nov. 18.)

The two books are available online through the UofT library: SQL and RDD. They should also be available in the bookstore shortly.


November 24: In-class exercise #3

Here is hand-out of the last in-class exercise: in-class-exercise-3.pdf

November 2: In-class exercise #2

Here is the João's Fare Trade Coffee exercise sheet which we used a few weeks ago and will discuss again this week: in-class-exercise-2.pdf.

October 26: A PHP example

Here is an example of 2 PHP files and one HTML file for providing a simple web interface to the menagerie database: You will need to change the username and password to your own! Also, you will need to set permissions, as explained in class (on Oct. 27).

October 22: The final project

The final project handout is here.

October 7: Assignment 2

Assignment 2 is here.

September 23: In-class exercise from yesterday and the solutions

The sheet we used for the in-class exercise is here. The solutions to the exercise are here.

September 23: Another update to assignment 1

Assignment 1 was updated: question 11 was revised. The updated assignment is here. Additionally, table DIVEORDS was modified in the database, so queries for question 12 would need to be changed. Students who have already answered questions 11 and 12 can email their answers to the instructor and get credit for their answers to the original questions. Everyone else should answer the updated question, using the updated database.

September 17: Assignment 1 updated

Assignment 1 was updated: the database table "monkey" has a field called "name". The updated assignment is here.

September 16: Assignment 1

Assignment 1 is here.

September 16: Access to the database

You should have by now received two email messages telling you how to connect to the database server. If you have not, please email the instructor.


Week 1: PDF, ODP Week 5: PDF, ODP Week 9: PDF, ODP
Week 2: PDF, ODP Week 6: PDF, ODP Week 10: PDF
Week 3: PDF, ODP Week 7: PDF, ODP Week 11: PDF, ODP
Week 4: PDF, ODP Week 8: PDF, ODP Week 12: PDF, ODP